I, [parent/guardian's name], grant permission for Lions Legacy Athletic Academy (the "Organization") to use photographs and/or video recordings of [athlete's name], [athlete's age], for promotional and marketing purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, use on the Organization's website, social media pages, and any other marketing materials.

I understand that the photographs and video recordings may be edited at the discretion of the Organization and that the final product may be used in perpetuity. I also understand that my child's image may be used in combination with other images and that the final product may not depict my child in the exact same manner as the original photograph or video recording.

I release the Organization and its employees, agents, and assigns from all claims, demands, and liabilities arising from or in connection with the use of the photographs and/or video recordings.

I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the above-named athlete and have the authority to grant this release.

[Parent/guardian signature] [Date]

[Athlete's signature (if over 18 years of age)] [Date]