Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct for Lions Legacy Athletic Academy
Elementary School Athletes:
Respect yourself, your teammates, and your coaches at all times.
Be on time and ready to participate in every session.
Listen carefully and follow instructions from coaches.
Encourage and support your teammates.
Never use inappropriate language or engage in bullying behavior.
Keep the training facility and equipment clean and in good condition.
Treat all opponents with respect, both on and off the field.
Middle School Athletes:
Abide by the code of conduct for elementary school athletes.
Take responsibility for your actions and decisions.
Set a positive example for younger athletes.
Show good sportsmanship and maintain self-control, even in high-pressure situations.
Never engage in disrespectful or unsportsmanlike behavior, including arguing with coaches, referees, or opposing players.
Seek help from coaches or other trusted adults if you are struggling with any aspect of training or behavior.
High School Athletes:
Abide by the code of conduct for elementary and middle school athletes.
Demonstrate leadership and maturity by being a positive role model for younger athletes.
Respect the time and effort of coaches and teammates by giving 100% effort in every session.
Communicate effectively with coaches and teammates to resolve conflicts or address concerns.
Take ownership of your own development as an athlete and strive for continuous improvement.
Always maintain a professional and respectful demeanor, both on and off the field.
Parent Code of Conduct for Lions Legacy Athletic Academy:
Support your child's commitment to the sport and the training program.
Encourage and promote good sportsmanship and respect for all involved in the program, including coaches, athletes, and opponents.
Communicate respectfully with coaches and staff, and seek resolution through appropriate channels in case of any concerns.
Foster a positive, safe, and supportive environment for all athletes, both on and off the field.
Never engage in disrespectful behavior, including yelling, criticizing, or using inappropriate language towards coaches, athletes, officials, or other parents.
Adhere to all rules and policies set forth by Lions Legacy Athletic Academy.
Recognize the importance of consistent and timely attendance at training sessions and events.
Respect the training facility and equipment, and make sure your child does the same.
Discipline Policy
This policy outlines the expectations and guidelines for behavior of athletes participating in the program. The goal is to create a safe, positive and productive environment for all athletes to succeed and reach their full potential.
Policy statement: All athletes are expected to display good sportsmanship, respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, officials and the rules of the sport. Any behavior that detracts from this goal will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.
Disciplinary actions: Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Verbal warning: A coach or staff member will talk with the athlete and explain why their behavior is unacceptable and how they can improve.
Written warning: A written letter may be sent to the athlete and their parent or guardian outlining the behavior that needs to change and the consequences if it continues.
Suspension: The athlete may be suspended from practice, games or the program for a set period of time.
Expulsion: In severe cases, the athlete may be expelled from the program.
Factors considered when determining disciplinary action: The following factors will be considered when determining the appropriate disciplinary action:
The severity of the behavior
The frequency of the behavior
The athlete's previous disciplinary record
The age and maturity level of the athlete
The impact of the behavior on the team and the program
Appeal process: Athletes or their parents have the right to appeal any disciplinary action. The appeal process should be initiated by contacting the program director within five days of the disciplinary action. The program director will then schedule a meeting to discuss the appeal.
Confidentiality: All information related to disciplinary action and the appeal process will be kept confidential. The information will only be shared with those directly involved in the disciplinary process.