Coach-Athlete Communication Agreement
Purpose: The purpose of this agreement is to establish clear guidelines for communication between the coach and athlete in the Lions Legacy Athletic Academy.
Communication Method: Communication between the coach and athlete will be limited to GroupMe, Email, and Phone Calls.
Purpose of Communication: Communication should be limited to topics related to the athlete's performance, scheduling, and other relevant aspects of the sport. Personal or private topics are strictly prohibited.
Timing of Communication: Communication should take place during regular business hours, unless an emergency situation arises. In this case, the coach will make every effort to contact the athlete or the athlete's parents or guardians in a timely manner.
Proper Conduct: All communication between the coach and athlete must be respectful, professional, and appropriate. Inappropriate language, harassment, bullying, or other forms of misconduct are strictly prohibited.
Record Keeping: The coach will keep a record of all communication with the athlete and make it available upon request.
Reporting Concerns: If either the coach or the athlete becomes aware of any inappropriate communication, it should be reported immediately to a designated member of the Lions Legacy Athletic Academy staff.
Termination of Agreement: This agreement may be terminated by either the coach or the athlete at any time, with written notice.
By signing below, both the coach and the athlete agree to abide by the terms of this agreement.
Athlete's Signature
Coach's Signature